Campaign Info

Email Announcements Archive

August 9th

PbEM Game INfo

Game Title: "Where Angels Fear to Tread"

***[please include the word 'angels' in the subject line of all game correspondance]***

Player frequency: Preference for players who will be checking email and/or responding at least 2x per day.

GM frequency:

The times the GM will NOT be readily available are:

8 pm to midnight (approx) EST, Tuesday evenings (Amber FtF)

8 pm to midnight (approx) EST, Thursday evenings (Gurps FtF - so sue me)

8 pm to midnight (approx) EST, every other Wed evening (Amber FtF)

1 am to 9:30 am every morning, EST (dead to the world)

Although I am occasionally online during my Tuesday and Thursday night games.

Game Style:

Hidden posts. All email will go through the GM and then be distributed to involved players. I plan to set up a mailing list for general information, group questions/discussions, and OOC commentaries. The PC's will each have the impression of playing in a one-on-one game. :-) Yes, I'm nuts.

Time Setting: Pre-Patternfall, Oberon is King, Corwin is long missing

Character Requirements:

- 150 pts.
- Amber-based characters, grandchildren of Oberon
- no Logrus initiates (shapeshifting ok)

Character Contributions accepted:

- diary/journal (points based on frequency/depth of entries)
(10 to start, more may be granted later)
- online trumps (15)
- web sites (15)


- no more than 15 pts either way.
Keep in mind, 15 points of bad stuff is NOT good for you ;-)

Character Background:

Every character submission will be considered equally!

Give me a good story of who you are and who taught you what you know. Tell me your _preference_ for parents - no guarentees there. You may or may not get your choice, depending on how it suits the plotline.

If you have any ideas for new powers, constructs or artifacts, etc. please send them along. Originality and creativity are encouraged.

Character applications will be accepted until 8-22, expect final decisions on who will be playing on 8-25. Character introductions will be from 8-26 until (at most I hope) 9-5.

Questions asked by prospective players (and GM answers) so far:


Q: 150 points... plus Pattern or including Pattern?

A: 150 points total. Pattern is your choice :-) if you want to spend 50 of those points on it.

Q: Do you want us to be Amber centric, as in raised with knowledge of Amber, *from* AMber, from anywhere, or does it not make a difference?

A: Again, your choice - if you decide to NOT be Amber centric, I'll expect creative explanations of who you are and where you're from. Hint: At least some knowledge of Amber would be useful.

Q: Other powers... by the book? Magic is OK, Logrus is not, shapeshifting is, trump is... things work as of the Wuj's ideas?

A: Mmm, not sure what you're getting at here. You have something in mind from outside the books? Pattern, trump, shapeshifting, sorcery, conjuration, high compelling - these are all fine. If you are interested in sorcery, I have a slightly modified system that allows, I feel, more realistic advancement. When in doubt, for the most part, use the books, yes.

Q: Do you have any partial powers system?

A: Yes, I'll be putting out either an email or a web site with stuff like that, or both, likely. If you're going to take sorcery, there is an advanced sorcery system I'm using that will be available.

Q: Do you have any characters that you would like, or a style you prefer?

A: I'm a bit of a conspiracy buff and an X-files fan, personally, so my PC's tend to reflect that. However, I like to see originality more than anything else. I'll tend to pick the players based on how original their concepts are.

Q: Can you give any hints as to the 'flavor' of the campaign? Horror, Shakespearean tragedy, etc?

A: Certainly. While things are starting at a point fairly close to the books, historically speaking, it's going to have a darker, more gothic (though I hate that appellation), more horror feel to it. This is not slated to be pleasant.

*** Hi everyone.

Please note, I'm not too worried about getting your exact points break-downs right now, mostly what I want to see are character concepts, some ideas of which direction you want the character to develop in (ie: pattern weenie, warfare god, psyche of doom, greatest sorcerer in the known realms, etc. ) you get the point. I'm much more interested in background stories, that's going to be the main thing I choose the players from, background, how they'll fit together (or not, heh), how they'll fit the campaign, etc. Exact point distribution I'll hash out with the chosen players once the decision is made. This saves a little time and effort for the folks I'm going to be forced to say no to. Frankly, I'd love to take on everyone who's asked, but I do occasionally sleep, and would like to continue to pursue that practice now and then. There are currently 23 people who have expressed interest. Because this will be a hidden post style game, I do feel I have to call a limit of 10 to start, not to say I won't consider adding more once I see what I've let myself in for. And now, with no further ado, here's the advanced sorcery system for those who have some interest. Partial powers listings and any other unique or funky stuff will be posted on a website soon. and Thank You all for all your interest and time!! -LJET

August 12

Greetings everyone,

Ok, it's info time for all of you. A brief reminder that the deadline for character info is 8/22, which is next week. I was going to move it up, but a few folks asked for a little more time, so it stays.

Latest FAQ

Q: Does Trump have a prerequisite? Do I have to have Pattern?

A: No. However, if you take Trump as a solo power, you *may* occasionally encounter places where trump is either difficult to use, or even non-existant. The same goes for Shapeshifting, wierdly enough. Taking any Discipline from the Path of Magic *may* be helpful in getting around this limitation. For detail on the Path of Magic, see the website listed below.

Q: How many people have asked to play? What are my chances of actually getting in the game?

A: That's a fair question. Creating Amber characters can be time consuming, and I appreciate the work people are putting into this just to try to get in. I currently have 40 people submitting characters (yeah, I'm horrified too) which is why I posted closing the game to more submissions. If I've already sent you the info blurb on the game, your character will be considered. Please try not to wait till the very last minute. Of the character backgrounds I've already received, there are 6 that *I* would consider exceptional, and that I'm leaning towards favoring. That leaves 4 slots completely undecided, but as I've said, I will make no final decisions until the deadline.

Q: Is there an auction?

A: No, no attributes auction. Tell me what you want. I may make suggestions.

Q: Can we get partial powers?

A: Absolutely. Descriptions and costs are on the website below.

Q: So, this is your first time GMing?

A: Gods, no. This is the first time I'm running an online game. Besides FtF/TT games, I'm running games at Ambercon US and North (and East next year) with my co-GM, best friend and partner in crime, Rich (Hi Rich). If you're going to the cons, please come look us up :-)

Q: Can I get Exalted....?

A: No.

Q: If I don't make it into the game, can I lurk?

A. Sorry, not really. If you wish to lurk, I'll give you read-only access to the game lists, but understand that you won't be seeing large portions of the game that will take place in private only. That's the best I can do for you. I have nothing against lurking, I do it all the time myself, but the game style won't make it simple. I'd have to cc every lurker on every post that came through privately, and I really don't have the time to do that and run the game.

And, to respond to what's become my *favorite* character submissions, and apparently an extremely popular subject...

Tir-na Nog'th is NOT the Faerie Realms. Titania is NOT Queen of Tir. Faerie DOES exist - it's out in Shadow. So's Titania. Please do not submit characters who are part Fae and come from Tir - I assure you it's been done and they got told no too.


Now then. The Where Angel's Fear to Tread website is up and limping along. It's blatently not finished, but all the listings for Powers, and a few other things are there online. I'm still working on it, and it will be changing and expanding over the next week.

If you DO NOT have web access, PLEASE let me know! The web site will be active and contain ongoing updates, information, and possibly game-related things throughout this game. For those who cannot access the site, I will be setting up a sub-mailing list to get the web information to them, but you have to let me know or you WILL miss things!


The Website is:

The OOC mailing list is:


The IC mailing list is:


The OOC list is for any out of character discussions, questions, or rules checks, etc. This is an open discussion forum.

The IC list is where you will send ALL your IC posts once games starts. You will no longer need [ANGEL] in your subject line, info will go straight there, not to this email address of mine. I'm sure my employers will appreciate that.

The game style has NOT changed - this is a hidden game. Send ALL your IG posts to the list, private or not, we'll handle the details. What you see coming through on the list will NOT necessarily be exactly what you sent :-) All posts will go through me first.

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