Campaign Info

What the hell is this game about anyway?

Where Angels Fear to Tread is designed as a game of personal mystery, intrigue, metaphysics and horror. The game style was chosen to allow each character to progress in their own style and pacing. In a way, it's like playing a personal, one-on-one game in which you have opportunity to interact with other player's personal games. It is the GM's intent that the player's never know which is which...

This is intentional to the development of the atmosphere of the game. The atmosphere is planned as one of limited trust, shadowy motives, hidden conspiracy and deceptive interactions. But, after all, this is Amber, right?

Some of your characters will not be as up to date on the current happenings in Amber. I trust that you will filter the game information in the IG sections as suits your individual backgrounds. Most of the following can easily be learned in rumors and stories circulating Amber City, and to some extent Castle Amber itself. Bits and pieces may be heard on various trade routes in and around the Golden Circle. If you have specific questions as to what your character could have heard, drop me an email and I'll be happy to clarify in terms of your character. Individual intros will be done at a later date, obviously for the final selected players.

Time Period

The game begins at a time before the start of Corwin's Chronicles. Corwin is missing out in shadow, believed dead. Oberon, though 8 months missing is King in Amber, there is no Queen.

By shadow Earth time reckoning, it would be in the early 1960's. Any players who intend to have their characters come from shadow Earth, please note this.


Amber City is not the breathtaking vista we've come to expect. It is dark, dismal and gloomy. Much of the city seems to be dirty and brooding. There are the beginning touches of poverty, and for the first time in history, we see beggers and homeless sleeping on the streets. Children in rags beg money from strangers, and there is an overall feeling of helplessness among the population.

That should give you a good approximation of the feel of the place. Feel free to direct specific questions at me, and I'll keep this updated as becomes useful. I could point you to Shadowrun or anything in the Cyberpunk genre, or even the World Of Darkness, as ways to get a feel for things. But what sums it up best, for those who have seen it, was the PBS special movie Dark Angel. It's not necessary to have seen it, nor does knowing the movie confer ANY advantage to players. It's just a cool, surrealistic atmosphere thing. Don't sweat it - it was pretty obscure.


Four words: Do Not Expect Canon.

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