Transmutation between Matter and Energy
The Discipline of Alchemy has one basic component and three specializations:
The main component of Alchemy is Alchemical Ritual.
Rituals are the prime focus of alchemists. All alchemy is done by some form of ritual. Rituals can also be used to enhance other Discipline workings.
The three specializations are:
Alchemy can break down matter into energy, and provide ways to both store and use that energy to power alchemical rituals, sorcery spells or conjurations. This energy can have the effect of either providing the power source for the working, enhancing the effect, or allowing it to work at all in a place of little to no magic.
The Alchemist can break down matter, or shadow 'stuff', into it's component energy and reform or reassemble it into new matter. The degree of change is limited by the magical force of the shadow. In a shadow of high magic, there are virtually no limitations. In Amber, eg, only small changes could be made, as in turning a sword into a staff. Transmutations are rather permanent, and last across shadow barriers and into pole regions.
An alchemist with conjuration can create alchemically enhanced and powered items and artifacts. This allows:
a) an item which can store alchemical energy
b) an item which can inherently be transmuted into 4 named and numbered forms
c) items which retain their conjured properites permanently
Alchemy is performed in rituals, much like sorcery spells, but with far more physical components, as with conjuration. Alchemy works best of all the discipines in conjunction with other magical skills, such as conjuration or sorcery.
Some known Alchemical Rituals are:
1. Create Alchemy Circle
Creates a magical workspace to perform other Rituals in. While not required, it does guard against interruption or disruption and gives higher chances of success in difficult rituals. Time: 15 minutes
2. Create simple battery
Transforms matter into a simple energy storage battery. Time: 15 minutes.
3. Simple Alchemical Creation
As per the specialization Creation Time: 20 minutes + 1 minute for each quality added.
4. Complex Alchemical Creation
As per the specialization Creation Time: 1 hour + 5 minute for each quality added.
5. Conversion Cycle
Utilizing the specialization of Alchemical Conversion, sets up a cycle of conversion producing an ongoing energy source. Time 12 minutes per cycle of matter absorbtion.
6. Create New Form
This is the ritual required to focus the Alchemical Tranmutation process. Time 15 minutes per approx cubic foot of original matter + 5 minutes per same amount of new matter.
Advanced Alchemical Concepts are learned in the form on new, advanced formulas.