Trump site last revised: 6/02/97 Celeste's Trump Deck

Celeste's Trump Deck

I have studied the creation and design of trumps as extensively as I have been able. My art has always been one of my greatest passions and pleasures, second only to my lifemate.
Some of the places that, over time, have become important or special to me I would share with you. Some of the images here are trump, some are merely art, but each has it's own meaning. Come and look.

[Please take note. The Trump Deck site is comprised solely of images, and may require extra download time. There are no alternatives available for text only browsers.]

A pose and composition done in the time since Patternfall. Celeste's Trump
A younger Brand in the sitting room in Clarissa's tower. Brand's Trump
Celeste and Brand's eldest child, their daughter, Faythe
Celeste and Brand's youngest, Felice
Celeste's younger son, Brehndyn Hastur
Celeste's eldest son, Brandt
Brand had these crafted personally in gold and emerald, the vows inscribed inside the band.
Celeste and Brand's Wedding Rings

A Trump of Erelorne in it's earlier days: Erelorne Castle
Brand's personal symbol, The Septacle Flower
A gift from Brand, Celeste's hairclip

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Last revised: March 29, 1997.